Let's Make Some Noise: The Fun of Creating Rhythms with Our Bodies!

Slap, clap, tap, snap, pop, stomp,
Let's make some noise, don't be a grump!
Our hands can do so much, you see,
Come on and make some sound with me!

Slap your hands against your knees,
Clap along, it's a breeze!
Tap your toes upon the ground,
Snap your fingers, make a sound!

Pop your lips, it's such fun,
Stomp your feet, one by one.
We can make a rhythm, oh so sweet,
Just move your body to the beat!

Slap, clap, tap, snap, pop, stomp,
Our hands and feet can make us romp!
Let's dance and make some noise,
Come on, girls and boys!


  1. What are some of the things we can do with our hands and feet to make noise?
  2. How can we create a rhythm with our bodies?
  3. Why do you think making noise with our bodies can be fun?
  4. Can you think of any other ways we can use our bodies to make music?
  5. How does making noise with our bodies make us feel?

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