The Treasure of the Palace Courtyard

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful palace in the heart of the city. It had a grand courtyard in the center, surrounded by tall walls and a magnificent cupola on top. The facade of the palace was adorned with intricate moldings, friezes, and panels, and the galleries were lined with tall columns and arches.

One day, a young prince decided to explore the palace, and he was especially fascinated by the parapet that ran along the roof. He climbed up the stairs to the top and was amazed by the view of the city from above. He noticed that one of the panels in the frieze was missing and decided to investigate.

As he walked along the parapet, he saw a little bird perched on the edge. The bird was chirping and seemed to be trying to tell him something. The prince approached the bird and listened carefully. The bird told him that the missing panel held a secret that had been passed down from generation to generation. The secret was the key to unlocking the palace's greatest treasure.

The prince was determined to find the missing panel and unlock the treasure. He searched every room and every corner of the palace, but he couldn't find it. Just as he was about to give up, he remembered the bird's words and decided to climb up to the cupola.

Once he reached the top of the cupola, he saw the missing panel lying on the floor. He picked it up and placed it back in its proper place in the frieze. Suddenly, the walls of the palace started to shake, and a hidden door appeared. The prince stepped inside and found himself in a room filled with gold, jewels, and precious artifacts.

The prince was overjoyed and thanked the little bird for guiding him to the treasure. He took some of the riches and returned to the courtyard, where he shared his story with the people of the city. From that day on, the palace was known as the home of the greatest treasure in the land, and the prince was celebrated as a hero.

The end.


  1. What was the prince's goal in exploring the palace?
  2. What did the little bird tell the prince about the missing panel in the frieze?
  3. How did the prince find the missing panel and unlock the treasure?
  4. Why was the prince celebrated as a hero by the people of the city?
  5. How did the prince feel when he found the treasure in the hidden room?

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