The Growing Bug: A Tale of Many Legs

Once upon a time in a garden so green,
Lived many bugs, the likes you've never seen.
Some had wings, and others had none,
But they all had fun in the shining sun.

One day, a little bug with spots of red,
Asked a caterpillar who was newly fed,
"Hey, how many legs do you have, my friend?"
"Only six," the caterpillar did amend.

"Six legs, that's cool," the little bug said,
"But I only have two, I wish I had more instead."
"Don't worry, my dear," the caterpillar replied,
"You'll grow bigger and stronger as you glide."

Soon the little bug grew to be much taller,
And it counted its legs, now there were more, oh holler!
"Three, four, five, six, seven, I have a lot!"
And it danced and it pranced, with all it's might.

The bugs all cheered and they had some fun,
The garden was filled with laughter and sun.
And so, the little bug learned a lesson that day,
To never give up, and keep growing in every way.


  1. Who were the characters in the story, and what made each of them unique?
  2. What was the little bug's challenge, and how did it overcome it?
  3. What did the caterpillar teach the little bug, and how did that help it grow?
  4. What did the little bug learn about itself, and how did that change its behavior?
  5. What was the lesson of the story, and how can you apply it to your own life?

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