The Many-Legged Creature with Three Bodies and One Head

There was a little creature so strange,
With a body and a head, what a range!
It had five eyes and just one nose,
And legs that could tickle your toes.

It scurried along with its six legs,
And could climb up trees like a bunch of pegs.
But something was off, as you can see,
For its body was divided into three.

One part was blue, one part was green,
And the third was a colour yet to be seen.
But the creature didn't seem to mind,
For it was happy and always kind.

Now let's count its legs, we have to try,
One, two, three, four, five and six, oh my!
And with just one head atop its frame,
This little creature was never the same.

So if you ever see it around,
Don't be afraid or make a sound.
Say hello and give it a wave,
For this creature is friendly and brave.


  1. What makes this creature unique?
  2. How many legs and bodies does the creature have?
  3. What colors make up the creature's body?
  4. How would you feel if you saw this creature in real life?
  5. Can you think of a name for this friendly creature?

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