Title: "Bunny's Rainbow Adventure in the Spring Rain

Once upon a time in spring,
A little bunny loved to sing,
As he hopped around the green,
He saw a rainbow, what a scene!

He met a bird with feathers bright,
And played with a ball until night,
But then the sky turned gray with rain,
So they took shelter from the pain.

They sat together, safe and dry,
And watched the flowers nearby,
Glistening with raindrops so fine,
And smelling sweet like sweet sunshine.

The bunny and the bird soon knew,
That rain brings life and beauty too,
They waited for the rain to end,
And when it did, they found a friend.

For in the garden, so fair,
They met a flower, so rare,
And they danced and played and sang,
Together in the sunshine again.

So when it rains, just wait and see,
What wonders it can bring to thee,
Like new friends and rainbows so bright,
And flowers that bloom in the light.


  1. What season was it in the story?
  2. What did the bunny see when he hopped around in the green?
  3. What did the bunny and the bird do when they saw the rainbow?
  4. How did the bunny and his friends spend their time when it rained?
  5. What did the bunny learn about rain and flowers in the end?
  6. Who did the bunny and the bird meet in the garden?
  7. What did the bunny and his friends do together in the sunshine?
  8. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  9. Can you think of a time when you played with your friends in the rain?
  10. What would you like to do with the bunny and his friends if you could join them in their adventure?

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