The Adventure at the Beach

Come to the beach, kids, let's play,
There's so much to do and see today.
We'll climb the rocks and search for shells,
Listen to the bird's sweet melodies and its yells.

The waves crash against the shore,
The ocean's roar, we can't ignore.
Up on the cliff, we'll watch the view,
And feel the breeze blow through.

Look! A lighthouse shining bright,
Guiding ships safely through the night.
The coast is vast, and so much to explore,
We'll run and play until our legs are sore.

So come to the beach, kids, let's have some fun,
In the sand and sun, till the day is done.
We'll make memories that will always last,
Until it's time to go home at last.


  1. What did the kids do at the beach?
  2. What animals did they see or hear at the beach?
  3. What was your favorite part of the story?
  4. What do you think it would be like to climb rocks at the beach?
  5. Have you ever been to a lighthouse or seen one from afar?
  6. Would you like to explore a hidden cave like the kids in the story did?
  7. What do you think the kids learned from their adventure at the beach?

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