Smoothie's Smooth Discovery

Once upon a time, there was a little spacecraft named Smoothie. Smoothie lived in the vast and beautiful space, where stars twinkled and planets rotated.
One day, while exploring the space, Smoothie came across a strange object. It was a large square box that was spreading a bright light. Smoothie was curious and decided to take a closer look.
As Smoothie approached the box, the light grew stronger and stronger. Suddenly, the box opened, and a smooth and shimmering substance came out and spread all around the space.
Smoothie was amazed at the sight. The substance was so smooth and beautiful that it made everything around it look even more stunning.
Smoothie decided to take a sample of the substance and bring it back to Earth for further study. When the substance was analyzed, it was found to be a new and powerful energy source.
The people of Earth were overjoyed and grateful to Smoothie for discovering this new source of energy. From that day on, Smoothie was known as the hero of the space and was loved by all.
The end.


  1. What was the strange object that Smoothie found in space?
  2. How did Smoothie feel when he saw the smooth and shimmering substance for the first time?
  3. What was the substance that Smoothie brought back to Earth?
  4. Why was Smoothie considered a hero after bringing back the substance to Earth?
  5. Can you think of any other discoveries that could be made in space?

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