Shopping for Health: Choosing Nutritious Foods at the Grocery Store

In the grocery store we go,
With our cart in tow,
Filled with foods we love to eat,
Like cereal and bread, oh so sweet.

We grab some meat and veggies too,
And eggs for breakfast, fresh and new,
Then off we go to the checkout stand,
To pay for all the food we've planned.

But wait, we almost forgot,
To grab some fruit, a healthy lot,
Apples, bananas, oranges too,
All ready to munch when we're through.

So now our cart is filled up high,
With foods that will make us strong and spry,
We'll cook and eat, and then we'll see,
How much better we feel, you and me.


  1. What are some foods mentioned in the paragraph that are good for us to eat?
  2. Why is it important to eat a variety of foods?
  3. What are some ways that eating healthy foods can make us feel better?

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