Sorry, I don't know what story you are referring to as you haven't provided any details about the story. Could you please provide me with more information so I can give it an appropriate title?

In the jungle, where the trees are tall,
And the grass is green and the birds call,
Lives a frog who hops all day,
And a bear who sleeps the night away.

A monkey swings from vine to vine,
And a lion roars with a mighty whine,
An elephant trumpets, strong and true,
And a tiger stripes, orange and blue.

All these animals in the jungle stay,
Living and playing in their own way,
Each unique with a different call,
Together they make the jungle wall.

So if you ever venture into the wild,
Remember these animals, big and mild,
And don't be afraid to give a hello,
To the frog, bear, monkey, lion, elephant, and tiger you know.


Sure! Here are a few questions that could be used to encourage children to think about a story:

  1. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  2. Who were the main characters in the story?
  3. What was the problem or conflict in the story?
  4. How was the problem or conflict resolved in the story?
  5. What did you learn from the story?
  6. Did you like the way the story ended? Why or why not?
  7. How did the characters in the story feel?
  8. What did the characters do to solve their problems?
  9. If you were in the story, what would you have done differently?
  10. Can you think of a real-life situation that is similar to the story?

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