A Day of Play and Learning

Under the tree, a swing is hung,
Where happy children play and run,
They climb up high and then they sing,
And feel the breeze on their skin and swing.

Inside the house, a table's set,
With books and papers, pencils, and pens,
A desk and chair for each little friend,
To learn and study until the day's end.

On the bed, a pillow soft and white,
Where dreams take flight through the night,
And when the rain begins to pour,
An umbrella keeps us dry, for sure.

So whether we sit, stand, or lay,
Or go outside to run and play,
We have the things we need and love,
To keep us cozy and safe and above.


  1. What was your favorite part of the story?
  2. Do you like to play outside under a tree and swing on a swing?
  3. What do you like to learn at your desk and chair?
  4. What kind of pillow do you have on your bed?
  5. Have you ever used an umbrella to stay dry in the rain?

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