Recty the Shape and Letter Hero

Once upon a time, there was a little rectangle named Recty. Recty loved to explore the world of shapes and letters. One day, Recty was walking through the world of text when she came across a big building with a sign that read "Shape and Letter Register".

Recty was curious, so she walked inside and saw rows and rows of shapes and letters, all neatly organized and categorized. She saw circles, squares, triangles, and many more shapes she had never seen before. She also saw letters with different fonts and styles, like sans-serif and serif.

Recty was fascinated by all the different shapes and letters, but she noticed that some of them looked dull and lacked color. She asked the person at the desk about it and was told that the saturation of the colors was off balance.

Recty wanted to help, so she asked if she could adjust the saturation. The person at the desk agreed and gave her a special tool to adjust the saturation. Recty went to work, carefully adjusting the saturation of each shape and letter until they were all bright and vibrant.

Next, Recty noticed that some of the shapes and letters were not in proportion. Some were too big, while others were too small. She asked the person at the desk about it and was told that the scale of the shapes and letters was off balance.

Recty wanted to help once again, so she asked if she could adjust the scale. The person at the desk agreed and gave her another special tool to adjust the scale. Recty went to work, carefully adjusting the scale of each shape and letter until they were all the same size.

Finally, Recty noticed that some of the shapes and letters were not straight. They were leaning to one side or the other. She asked the person at the desk about it and was told that the skew of the shapes and letters was off balance.

Recty wanted to help one last time, so she asked if she could adjust the skew. The person at the desk agreed and gave her one final special tool to adjust the skew. Recty went to work, carefully adjusting the skew of each shape and letter until they were all straight and sharp.

The person at the desk was so grateful for Recty's help that they gave her a special medal for being a shape and letter hero. Recty was proud of what she had accomplished and went back to exploring the world of shapes and letters, always ready to help whenever she was needed.

The end.


  1. What did Recty do to help balance the saturation of the shapes and letters?
  2. What tool did the person at the desk give Recty to adjust the scale?
  3. How did Recty make sure the shapes and letters were straight and sharp?
  4. Why did Recty receive a medal at the end of the story?
  5. Can you think of another shape or letter that could use Recty's help? Why?

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