Lost in the Woods

Come and join us, young ones,
Let's have some fun and play!
We'll dance and sing and act,
And juggle all the way!

Grab a can and use it
To beat a rhythm out,
We'll make a music band
That no one can without!

We'll sing our favorite songs,
And let our voices soar,
The music will fill our hearts,
And we'll want to sing some more!

We'll dance with wild abandon,
And move to the beat,
Our feet will keep us going,
Until we're tired and beat!

And when we're feeling brave,
We'll act and play pretend,
We'll be whoever we want,
And our imaginations will never end!

So come and join us, young ones,
Let's have some fun and play,
We'll dance and sing and act,
And juggle all the way!


  1. Have you ever been hiking or camping?
  2. What do you think you would do if you were lost in the woods?
  3. How do you think the characters in the story felt when they realized they were lost?
  4. How did the friends work together to find their way back?
  5. Why is it important to listen to your friends and work as a team when you're in a difficult situation?

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