The Pond's Peaceful Creatures

In a pond so serene and blue,
Lived creatures, old and new,
A beaver with teeth so strong,
Built a dam that was quite long.

A turtle with a hard, tough shell,
Would bask in the sun and dwell,
While a fish would swim so free,
And hide among the plants and trees.

A snail so slow and small,
Would crawl on rocks and leaves so tall,
And a duck with feathers so bright,
Would quack and paddle with all its might.

Together they lived in harmony,
In a world so calm and free,
In the pond they call their home,
Where they could swim and roam.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about "The Pond's Peaceful Creatures" story:

  1. What animals did you learn about in the story?
  2. What did the beaver build in the pond, and why?
  3. How did the turtle spend its time in the pond?
  4. Where did the fish hide in the pond, and why?
  5. How did the snail move around in the pond?
  6. What did the duck do in the pond, and what sound did it make?
  7. How did all the animals coexist peacefully in the pond?
  8. What can we learn from the animals in the story about living in harmony with others?

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