Rainbow Adventures on a Rainy Day

Look up in the sky, what do you see?
A fluffy white cloud, floating so free.
It's hiding the Sun, but don't you fret,
It'll be back soon, you can place your bet.

But wait! What's that sound? Oh, it's the rain!
Falling from the cloud, onto the drain.
It's making a puddle, just over there,
But don't worry, we've got an umbrella to spare.

And look! What's that in the sky?
A rainbow! How pretty, oh my oh my!
It's a magical sight, with colors so bright,
Let's follow it and see where it might.

So, don't be afraid of the rain or cloud,
There's so much to see, so much to be proud.
Of the world around us, so big and so wide,
With wonders and beauty, that we can't hide.


  1. What did the kids see when they looked up at the sky?
  2. What sound did the rain make when it fell onto the drain?
  3. What did the kids use to stay dry when it started to rain?
  4. What did the rainbow look like and where did it lead the kids?
  5. What did the kids learn about the world around them on this rainy day adventure?

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