The Perfect Picnic: A Fun-Filled Adventure with Yummy Snacks!

Let's pack a basket for a picnic today,
With yummy snacks that we can all enjoy and play!
We'll put in some chips and a big sandwich too,
And don't forget a cookie or two!

An apple is perfect for a sweet, healthy treat,
And some cheese will make our taste buds complete.
We'll spread out our blanket and eat in the sun,
This picnic is going to be so much fun!

We'll share our food and stories as we munch,
And enjoy the fresh air with a happy lunch.
So let's gather our snacks and get on our way,
To a picnic that will brighten up our day!


  1. What kinds of snacks did the kids pack in their picnic basket?
  2. Why did the kids choose to have a picnic instead of eating inside?
  3. How did the kids make the most of their time on their picnic?
  4. What was your favorite part of the story?
  5. Have you ever been on a picnic with your friends or family? What did you enjoy about it?

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