Fly away and return home

Once upon a time, a baby bird,
Sat nestled in its cozy nest, unheard,
It chirped and sang and flapped its wings,
Dreaming of all the beautiful things.

Days passed by, and the baby grew,
Stronger, braver, and more inquisitive too,
It learned to fly, and away it flew,
To explore the world, and see it anew.

But the nest remained, silent and still,
Missing the little bird's joyful trill,
It patiently waited for the bird's return,
Hoping it would rest, and take a turn.

Years went by, and the baby bird,
Grew into an adult, with wisdom and word,
It remembered the nest, where it once grew,
And flew back home, with a heart so true.

The nest welcomed the bird, with open arms,
Forgiving the time, the bird was away, unharmed,
And the bird rested, in its childhood bed,
Recalling memories, that once, in its head.

So remember, little ones, wherever you go,
Whatever you see, and whatever you know,
Never forget the place, where you last played,
For it's your home, where your memories stayed.


  1. What did the baby bird dream about when it was in its nest?
  2. How did the baby bird grow and change as it learned to fly and explore the world?
  3. Why do you think the nest patiently waited for the bird's return?
  4. What did the bird remember about its childhood when it returned home?
  5. Why is it important to remember our roots and where we come from?

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