The Golden Acorn: A Tale of Love and Leaves

Once upon a time, in a garden so big,
There lived a small girl, with her grandma, a twig.
They worked and they played, with a rake and a smile,
Piling up leaves in a great big pile.

The leaves were so many, all brown, orange, and gold,
A feast for the eyes, for both young and old.
And in the middle of the pile, so soft and so warm,
The small girl found a secret, a little hidden charm.

It was a small acorn, so shiny and bright,
Just the right size, for a little girl's sight.
She held it up high, and she shouted with glee,
"This is the best treasure, for my grandma and me!"

So they gathered up leaves, all big and all small,
And with the golden acorn, they had a ball.
They laughed and they played, all throughout the day,
And the memories they made, never faded away.

For in the garden so big, with the leaves all around,
The grandma and small girl, had a love so profound.
And the golden acorn, that was once just a seed,
Was the symbol of their bond, a treasure indeed.

So if you find yourself, in a garden so grand,
Take a rake and some leaves, and a smile on your hand.
And remember the story, of the grandma and small,
Who found a golden acorn, and had a ball.


  1. What did the small girl and her grandma do in the garden?
  2. What did they find in the pile of leaves?
  3. Why did the small girl think the golden acorn was a treasure?
  4. How did the golden acorn become a symbol of their bond?
  5. What did the small girl and her grandma do with the leaves and the golden acorn?
  6. Why do you think the small girl and her grandma enjoyed spending time together in the garden?
  7. Have you ever found something special in a pile of leaves or somewhere unexpected?
  8. What are some of your favorite memories with your family members?

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