The Mighty Spider's Climb to Eight

Once upon a time, in a meadow so green,
A little spider lay on its silk so pristine.
It had a grand plan, oh what could it be?
To climb up a can that it happened to see.

The spider was small, but had quite the might,
It knew it could climb up the can with all its might.
It spun a web, strong as could be,
And slowly but surely, it started to climb up with glee.

Up, up it went, with each step it took,
Its little legs working, not forsook.
It finally reached the top, feeling so great,
It saw an egg, oh what a nice plate!

It crawled down the can with the egg in its sight,
Feeling quite proud of its great might.
It counted the eggs, one, two, three, four,
Up to eight, oh what a grand score!

The spider sat back, admiring its work,
Feeling accomplished, not one bit of murk.
It had climbed up high, and found a grand prize,
Eight eggs to feast on, what a great surprise!

And so, dear children, the story we tell,
Of a spider so small, but mighty and well.
It climbed up a can, spun silk so fine,
And found eight eggs, a feast so divine.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about "The Mighty Spider's Climb to Eight":

  1. What did the spider see and climb up in the story?
  2. How did the spider climb up the can?
  3. What did the spider find at the top of the can?
  4. How many eggs did the spider find?
  5. How did the spider feel after it found the eggs?
  6. What do you think the spider did with the eggs?
  7. Have you ever seen a spider climb anything before?

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