The Adventure with Grandma

Come, children, gather 'round with glee
And listen to this poem from me
Of adventures we can all try
With grandma, as our guide.

First, we'll have a tasty lunch
With sandwiches and fruit to munch
Then, we'll run and play with glee
In the sunshine, wild and free.

But when we tire of our fun
Let's find a new game to be begun
We'll hide and seek, and try our best
To be the one who hides the best.

Grandma will be there with a smile
To guide us all the while
Through the games and fun we play
On this perfect, sunny day.

So come along, let's run and hide
And let our imaginations collide
With grandma by our side, we'll try
To have the best adventure, you and I.


  1. Who did the children spend their day with, and what did they do together?
  2. What was your favorite part of the story, and why?
  3. Have you ever played any of the games mentioned in the story with your family or friends?
  4. How did the children feel throughout their adventure with their grandmother?
  5. Do you think spending time with family is important, and why?

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