A Bug's Life: Tales of Tiny Creatures

In gardens green and fields of flowers,
There's a world that's filled with powers,
Tiny creatures that we love,
Some fly, some crawl, some hop, some shove.

A beetle strong with armor shell,
On leaves and bark he loves to dwell,
He scurries fast with legs so stout,
And when he's scared, he'll tuck them out.

A cricket chirps a merry tune,
He sings by night and sleeps by noon,
His fiddle wings are oh so neat,
He hops and jumps with nimble feet.

A butterfly so bright and fair,
Flits by with grace and without care,
Her wings of color, soft and light,
Soar up and down, left and right.

A ladybug with spots of red,
On green leaves, she makes her bed,
She eats the bugs that harm the plants,
And keeps the garden free from ants.

A flea so tiny, quick and small,
Can jump so high and stand so tall,
She bounces on and off our pets,
And loves to play but never frets.

An ant with strength and will so bold,
Works hard in teams, never old,
She carries food and builds her nest,
And helps her colony do their best.

So here we have our six friends,
Each with their own special ends,
In nature's world they all take part,
And keep the balance with their heart.


  1. What is your favorite insect from the story and why?
  2. How do the different insects in the story move and what makes them special?
  3. What is the ladybug's job in the garden and why is it important?
  4. How are insects helpful to the environment and to humans?
  5. What do you think it would be like to be as small as one of the insects in the story?

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