Building a Snowman on a Playful Day

Come out and play on this snowy day,
Let's build a snowman in a special way.
With an arm for a stick, and eyes made of coal,
A carrot for a nose, and a smile that's bold.

Our snowman stands tall, in front of our house,
With a friendly grin, he won't scare a mouse.
Let's give him a name, and a hat for his head,
And a scarf to keep warm, so he doesn't turn red.

With our mouths full of laughter, we dance and we sing,
Making memories that joy will bring.
And when we're all done, and the sun starts to set,
We'll wave goodbye to our snowman, a day we won't forget.


  1. What materials did the kids use to build the snowman?
  2. How did they make the snowman look lively and cheerful?
  3. What did the snowman have for a nose and eyes?
  4. How did the kids feel while building the snowman?
  5. What did they do after they were finished building the snowman?
  6. What is your favorite part of the story and why?
  7. Have you ever built a snowman before? If so, how was it different or similar to the snowman in the story?
  8. What kind of activities do you enjoy doing on snowy days?

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