The Clever Little Fish and the Helpful Bug

In a pond so still and blue,
A little fish swam through,
With scales that glistened in the sun,
She searched for food to have some fun.

She nibbled on some green, long grass,
And swam around with ease and sass,
But what she craved were juicy treats,
Like fruit that grew on branches sweet.

She looked up high and saw the leaves,
So green and lush, she wanted to seize,
The delicious fruit that hung so low,
But how to reach it, she didn't know.

As she pondered on her task,
A little bug crawled up at last,
It had a seed so small and round,
That the fish could carry in her mouth, unbound.

And so she took the little seed,
Swam to the fruit with lightened speed,
With the seed she prodded and pushed,
Till the fruit came loose with a rustling whoosh.

The little fish was filled with glee,
For now she had a treat to eat,
She nibbled on the fruit so fine,
And thanked the bug for helping her dine.

So in the pond, amidst the blue,
The little fish enjoyed her food,
She learned that with some wit and grit,
She could find treats and never quit.


  1. What did the little fish eat in the pond, and what did she really want to eat?
  2. How did the little fish get the fruit that she wanted to eat, and who helped her?
  3. What did the little fish learn from her experience, and how did she use her cleverness to solve the problem?
  4. Do you think it's important to ask for help when we need it, and how can it benefit us?
  5. How can we use our creativity and problem-solving skills to overcome challenges and achieve our goals, just like the little fish did?

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