An Adventure with Hunt, Play, Sing, Fly, Eat, and Read

Come and join me on an adventure,
With so much to do, we'll never be bored,
We'll hunt for treasures, big and small,
And play all day, having a ball.

Let's sing our favorite songs out loud,
And flap our wings and learn to fly proud,
We'll eat our favorite snacks to munch,
And read a story, cozy and bunched.

There's so much fun to be had,
With these words, we're never sad,
So come and play, let's have some fun,
Until our adventure is done.


  1. What was your favorite part of the adventure?
  2. Which activity did you like the most - hunting, playing, singing, flying, eating or reading?
  3. Do you have any treasures that you like to hunt for?
  4. Have you ever tried to fly like a bird or butterfly? How did it feel?
  5. What is your favorite song to sing?
  6. What book did you read on your last adventure?
  7. What is your favorite snack to munch on while you play?
  8. If you could add one more activity to the adventure, what would it be and why?

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