The Laughter Kid and the Toy Store Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Timmy loved to spend his pocket money on candies and toys. One day, he saw an advertisement for a toy store that was about to open in his town. He was very excited and couldn't wait to see the toys.

The day the store opened, Timmy ran to the store as fast as he could. When he got there, he was amazed by all the toys in the store. He wanted to buy them all, but he only had 10 pence with him. He thought and thought, and finally, he decided to buy a small toy car.

As Timmy was about to pay for the toy, the storekeeper handed him the bill. Timmy was shocked to see that the toy cost 20 pence! He didn't have enough money to pay for it. The storekeeper told him that the store would close in 10 minutes and he had to leave.

Timmy was very sad and didn't know what to do. Just then, he saw a sign that read "Closed for Lunch." Timmy had an idea. He quickly ran outside, put on his thinking cap, and came up with a plan.

He went back to the store and stood in front of the closed sign. He made a funny face and started to act silly. People passing by stopped to watch and laugh at Timmy's antics. In no time, a crowd had gathered in front of the store.

The storekeeper, who was still inside, saw the crowd and wondered what was going on. He opened the door to see Timmy making everyone laugh. Timmy asked the storekeeper if he could pay for the toy with laughter instead of pence. The storekeeper was so amused that he agreed to Timmy's proposal.

Timmy continued to make the crowd laugh, and the storekeeper couldn't help but laugh along. In the end, Timmy got his toy car and the storekeeper got his payment in laughter. Timmy went home, feeling very happy and proud of himself.

From that day on, Timmy became known as the "Laughter Kid" in the town, and everyone loved him. He never forgot that laughter is the best currency of all!


  1. Why was Timmy sad when he went to the toy store?
  2. How did Timmy come up with the idea to pay for the toy with laughter?
  3. What did Timmy do to make the storekeeper laugh?
  4. Why was Timmy proud of himself when he went home?
  5. Do you think laughter is a good way to pay for things? Why or why not?
  6. What lesson did Timmy learn in this story?
  7. Do you think you would like to be the "Laughter Kid" too? Why or why not?

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