Javi the Javelina and the Hummingbirds' Home

Once, in Arizona's hot and dry desert, there lived a kind javelina named Javi. He loved to explore the endless cacti fields and watch the beautiful hummingbirds fly by. One day, Javi found an empty can lying in the sand, and he decided to use it for his next adventure.

Javi put on his favorite cap, grabbed his can and set off into the cactus fields. As he walked, he came across a group of hummingbirds who were in trouble. A big gust of wind had blown away their nests and they had no place to call home.

Javi, being the kind javelina he was, decided to help. He used the empty can to make tiny homes for each of the hummingbirds. The birds were so grateful and they sang a sweet song of thanks. Javi was so happy that he did a little dance and started humming along with the birds.

From that day on, Javi and the hummingbirds became the best of friends. They explored the desert together and had many more adventures. And when the winds blew, they all snuggled into their cozy can homes and giggled the night away.

The end.


  1. Why did Javi decide to help the hummingbirds?
  2. What did Javi use to make homes for the hummingbirds?
  3. How did the hummingbirds show their gratitude to Javi?
  4. Why did Javi and the hummingbirds become friends?
  5. How did Javi and the hummingbirds spend their nights in the desert?

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